Adult Athletics
The Wake Forest Parks & Recreation Department offers an array of athletic programs for adults.
Our RecConnect newsletter provides details on registration deadlines and upcoming sports seasons.
Team Registration Process for Adult League Sports
Adult sport league team registration is accepted through Team Sideline. Team captains will create a Team Sideline account (or access their existing Team Sideline account), register, pay for the team, and invite their players to join the team's roster. All team registration payments will be processed through this site. Team registration information will typically be posted on Team Sideline at least two weeks prior to the team registration period.
For more information, contact Athletics & Aquatics Manager Edward Austin at 919-435-9452.
Adult Leagues
Sign Up as a Free Agent
Now, it's easier than ever for area adults to participate in our athletic leagues. Adult men and women interested in playing softball, kickball and flag football - that do not have a team to play on - can sign up as a free agent, then be assigned to a team in need of players.
The initiative is designed to encourage more adults to be active and take advantage of the PRCR Department's array of athletics offerings. Please note: You must be at least 18 years old to sign up as a free agent.