1906 - Fire started at the home of Professor Carlyle's residence in the eastern part of town. Student's ran from campus to extinguish the fire but luckily the fire had been put out by neighbors.
1915- Wake Forest Machinery & Hardware Company burns. The Raleigh Fire Department is summoned. Engine 1 responds, leaving at 10:10 p.m. and arriving in 35 minutes. The 17-mile run is made partly in a driving rain. A bucket brigade is working when firefighters arrive. After the pumper exhausts the 3,000 gallon water tank within five minutes, the firemen are forced to watch as flames practically gut the three-story building. They also assist with the bucket brigade, which resumes after the water tank is drained. Damaged to the building and its contents is estimated at $20,000. The company was less than a year old. The fire is believed to be "incendiary" in origin, and starts on the second floor. (June 30th, 1915)
1917, fire district established, described as "beginning at the intersection of North street with White street and running on each side of White street 150 feet from the center thereof to the intersection of White street by a cross street from Main street to said cross street crossing the railroad at the Light Plant." (June 7, 1917)