Strategic Plan

Strategic Planning is a roadmap employed by many local governments to guide the use of money, personnel and resources to realize a shared vision of the future. It outlines what a community hopes to achieve through a long-term and annual goal-setting process and provides steps for reaching those goals.
As the Town of Wake Forest continues to grow and thrive, the Board of Commissioners aims to chart a course with a strategic plan which articulates a vision for our community's future that will ensure vitality and sustainability and fulfill its mission.
The Town is guided by a comprehensive strategic planning process. The Board reviews progress of our Strategic Plan priorities on a quarterly basis to refine the items that comprise the Town's strategic plan and to ensure that it is reflective of the changing needs of our growing community.
2022-2027 Goals
Setting the Goals
Information obtained via the following initiatives was instrumental in determining the goals in the updated plan:
Four Community Focus Groups (September and October 2021)
Environmental Scan of the community – identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
Consideration and alignment with citizen input into the draft Community Plan
Mayor and Commissioner interviews
Senior Leadership Team (Staff) workshop (August 2021)
Employee Surveys (August 2021)
Two Board of Commissioner workshops (August 2021 and January 2022)
Mission Statement
The Town of Wake Forest is committed to delivering superior services and celebrating the diversity of our organization.