Business Licenses

Business Licenses No Longer Required

Effective July 1, 2015, a business license, also known as a privilege license, is no longer required.  

Home Occupation Permit May Be Required

However, if you are operating a business out of your home/residence, you may require a Home Occupation Permit. A Home Occupation permit is required for the construction or development of any new accessory use within a home within the Town of Wake Forest jurisdiction and any other site improvements as indicated in the UDO. Chapter 3 of the UDO includes additional use standards applicable to Home Occupations. A building permit and/or other additional permits may be required from State agencies after home occupation permit approval.

Useful Resources

Wake County provides a useful checklist on how to begin your new business in Wake County.

Business Link NC (BLNC), an extension of the N.C. Department of Commerce, has details on state licenses, permits and regulatory requirements. (North Carolina has no single business license covering all requirements)

Finance Director

301 S. Brooks St.
Wake Forest, NC 27587
Directions to Town Hall