
1942, Town Board appoints committee to investigate "advisability of encouraging the formation of a Colored Volunteer Fire Company". (May 7, 1942)

1942, Town Board orders Captain of Public Works to build shed to house fire hose on town property near water tank on east side of railroad tracks. (June 4, 1942)
1942, Town Board votes to appropriate $80 for two firemen to attend the State Firemen's Convention in Greensboro and $10 for two firemen to attend the Colored Firemen's State Convention in Warrenton. (August 6, 1942)
1942, Town Board appoints committee to investigate and act upon payment of $1.75 each for 15 members of Colored Fire Company to state association for membership and insurance. (September 3, 1942)
1943, Town Board appoints committee to purchase fire truck for Colored Fire Company. (April 1, 1943)
1943, Town Board directs Fire Chief to have "Colored Fireman's truck" started and inspected each day and to ensure that the truck is kept in good condition. The annual sum of $60.00 is allocated for this task. (August 5, 1943)
1944, Town Board orders
- four tires for Fire Truck #2
- fifty-cent registration fee for each 14 members of Fire Company #2
- colored firemen be paid on same basis as white firemen. (July 6, 1944)
1944, proposed fire department budget. (September 29, 1944):
1942-43 1943-44 1944-45 Wages of Fireman $237.75 $536.25 $550.00 Supplies 568.28 86.18 800.00 Convention & Fire School Expenses 67.28 38.84 100.00 Per Capita Tax 41.25 24.00 40.00 Servicing Colored Fire Truck 82.13 100.00 Salary of Service Man 50.00 60.00 1945, Town Board appoints committee to have Fire Truck #2 converted / repaired. (July 5, 1945) tm
1946, Sanborn Fire Insurance map update dated January 1946 updates prior map information with"
- 22 men
- 2 stations
- Barton pump capacity of 500 GPM
- Gamewell fire alarm system of 19 boxes
- Also colored volunteer fire department, 12 men, and Chevrolet truck with 800' 2 1/2" hose.
Map shows fire truck storage building on lot behind drugstore on south side of Main Street, west of Cross Street. [ First location of Station 2 ? ]
1946, Town Board votes to permit Fire Company #2 to sponsor a carnival for fund-raising. Town to provide electricity, provided a suitable transformer can be obtained. (August 1, 1946)
1947, Town Board orders fire box placed near home of Mrs. L.T. Wilson. Board also orders that when Fire Truck #1 leaves town, Fire Truck #2 proceed immediately to municipal building for local calls until return of Fire Truck #1. (May 1, 1947)
1948, apparatus delivery: 1947 Chevrolet / American / Barton pumper purchased by Town.