Registration Information

Registration is required for all classes, programs, special events, and youth athletics. A completed adult team registration form is required for teams participating in adult athletic programs.

For all summer camp offerings, a copy of your child's birth certificate must be presented at the time of registration for age verification.

Fees & Definitions


Register & Pay

Class Registration

Pre-registration is required for all programs and classes via RecDesk. Full payment must be made at the time of registration. Class registrations will be accepted up to two business days before the program's start date as long as space is available and unless otherwise noted.

Online registration for all classes is accepted during respective registration periods.



Youth Athletics Registration

Youth athletic registration is only accepted during advertised registration periods. All youth athletic participants are required to register online via Team Sideline.

Dream League baseball participants and buddies also register via Team Sideline.

Birth certificates are required for all participants and must be submitted at the time of registration.

Walk-in registration occurs during advertised registration dates at the Joyner Park Community Center (701 Harris Rd.) during normal business hours (Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.) - online registration access will be available at all community centers.

Note: Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources reserves the right to alter schedules, fees, and instructors as necessary. Classes are subject to cancellation when established enrollment requirements are not met.

Team Sideline


Team Registration Process for Adult League Sports

Adult sport league team registrations are accepted through Team Sideline. Team captains will create a Team Sideline account (or access their existing Team Sideline account), register, pay for the team, and invite their players to join the team's roster. All team registration payments will be processed through this site. Team registration information will typically be posted on Team Sideline at least two weeks prior to the team registration period.  

For more information, contact Athletics & Aquatics Manager Edward Austin at 919-435-9452.



Onsite Registration

Onsite registration is now available at all PRCR staffed facilities. Now, anyone interested in signing up for any PRCR program or class may register during normal business hours at the following locations:


Non-Wake Forest Resident Fees

Non-Wake Forest residents (those who do not reside within the corporate limits of the Town of Wake Forest) are encouraged to participate, but may be assessed a non-resident fee in certain programs. Call the PRCR Department at 919-435-9560 for fee information.

Fees & Definitions

Address Look up Map


Refund Policy

Class fees are 100% refundable when the class is cancelled by the PRCR Department. Anyone withdrawing from a class that has not been cancelled by PRCR must request a refund, in writing, at least 10 business days in advance of the scheduled start of the class. Refunds will not be given for withdrawals made less than the 10 business day period other than for verified medical/hardship cases.

Athletic fees are 100% refundable if requested before the participant's first assigned team practice. After the first team practice, refunds will not be granted. Anyone withdrawing from an Athletic Program must request a refund, in writing, in order for a refund to be processed. Note that late registration fees, if paid, are non-refundable.

Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources

Joyner Park Community Center
701 Harris Road
Wake Forest, NC 27587