
Commitment to Transparency

The Town of Wake Forest is committed to being open, transparent, and accessible, also known as "Sunshine" in government.

North Carolina has two Sunshine Laws to promote transparency in government: 

  1. Open Meetings Law 

  2. Public Records Law

These laws give the public the right to attend meetings and access documents deemed a public record.


Radiant ResourcesRadiant Resources

To raise Wake Forest residents' awareness of their rights under Sunshine laws, our website provides information on how to access public records, stay informed about public meetings, request meeting agendas, and more.

Mayor & Board of Commissioners

Meet your elected officials and view contact information.

Strategic Plan

The Town of Wake Forest is guided by a comprehensive strategic planning process. The Board reviews progress of our Strategic Plan priorities on a quarterly basis to refine the items that comprise the Town's strategic plan and to ensure that it is reflective of the changing needs of our growing community.


The budget serves as the Town's financial and spending plan for each fiscal year (July 1-June 30). The document authorizes resources and establishes a direction for Wake Forest programs and services for the coming year.

Annual Comprehensive Financial Report

The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report is one of several the Town produces to promote accountability. It provides the mayor, board of commissioners, Town staff, citizens, bondholders, and the public with useful information about Wake Forest’s operations and financial position. The document also offers a useful way to assess whether Wake Forest’s elected and appointed officials are faithfully carrying out their role as good stewards of Town resources.

For over three decades, Wake Forest’s award-winning report has been judged by an impartial panel to meet the high standards of the program. It also demonstrates a constructive “spirit of full disclosure” to clearly communicate its financial story and motivates potential users and user groups to read the report.

Requesting Public Records

You can access many Town of Wake Forest public records at your convenience via the Town website by using the Search feature. If you can't find what you're looking for, use our Public Records Request Form to share exactly what you're looking for.

Monthly Meeting Schedule

Planning Board and Board of Commissioners (BOC) meetings are conducted monthly according to the following schedule:

  • BOC Work Session – First Tuesday/month, 6 p.m.

  • Planning Board Meeting – Second Tuesday/month, 6 p.m.

  • BOC Regular Meeting – Third Tuesday/month, 6 p.m.

View Meetings Live & On Demand

Planning Board and BOC meetings can be viewed both live and on demand by visiting our Public Meetings Portal. Meetings are available in streaming video after their original air date and featured in a convenient scroll-down menu. 

Meeting agendas, including links to specific agenda items, are provided with each video offering easy viewing access to particular items of interest. The service is free and works best with DSL or higher Internet speeds.

Planning Board and BOC meetings, including BOC Work Sessions, are also shown live on Wake Forest TV 10 (WFTV 10) - the Town of Wake Forest’s government access channel - then re-broadcast daily over the next seven days at 9 a.m., 3 p.m., and 9 p.m. 

Although WFTV 10 is available only to Wake Forest residents and businesses that subscribe to Spectrum Cable TV service, Channel 10 is also provided online in real-time streaming video.

Public Meetings Portal

Visit the Public Meetings Portal to view upcoming meeting schedules, sign up to speak at Planning Board and BOC meetings, watch Planning Board and BOC meetings live and on demand & more!

BOC Meeting Agendas, Summaries & Minutes

Wake Forest posts Board of Commissioners meeting agendas, summaries, and minutes for everyone to access at any time. Meeting agendas and summaries are also offered as an email option via E-Notifier.


E-Notifier, our free email notification system, allows you to subscribe to one or more information categories, including BOC meeting agendas, BOC meeting summaries, and Planning Board agendas, and receive those items via email.


Deputy Town Clerk
Communications & Public Affairs Director