Advisory Board Application
Urban Forestry Board seeks to fill youth & adult vacancies
You can make a difference in our community by applying to fill one adult and three youth vacancies on the Urban Forestry Board (UFB). Residents of Wake Forest and its extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) are eligible to apply.
The online advisory board application is available through Wednesday, Jan. 15. Anyone without computer access is invited to complete the application by using a computer kiosk in the lobby of Town Hall, 301 S. Brooks St. Hard copies are available upon request by contacting Deputy Town Clerk Ella Dowtin at [email protected].
UFB candidates will be expected to attend the Tuesday, Jan. 28, UFB meeting to introduce themselves and explain why they wish to serve. Following the interviews, the UFB will review its slate of candidates before submitting its recommendations to the Board of Commissioners (BOC).
For more information, email Ella Dowtin at [email protected].
ETJ Address Look Up
Click on the button below, then enter your address in the address look up box to determine if you live in Wake Forest's ETJ. If your address appears in one of the light green areas, you live in the ETJ.