Roadway & Transportation
Wake Forest voters approve four bond questions
On Tuesday, Nov. 8, Wake Forest voters approved all four questions on the referendum ballot for the Town of Wake Forest:
Question #1 concerning roadway and transportation improvements ($23.7 million) passed 14,940 to 4,617 (76% to 24%).
Question #2 regarding parks and recreation ($24.4 million) passed 13,783 to 5,808 (70% to 30%).
Question #3 concerning greenway improvements ($14.35 million) passed 13,226 to 6,327 (68% to 32%).
Question #4 regarding the downtown parking facility ($12.5 million) passed 10,873 to 8,586 (56% to 44%).
The Town is seeking voter authorization to issue up to $23.7 million in general obligation (G.O.) bonds for various transportation projects to improve traffic flow and congestion in Wake Forest.
Bond funding will be used to construct, extend, widen, resurface, install and improve streets and sidewalks inside and outside the corporate limits of Wake Forest, including bridges, grade separations, traffic and pedestrian signals, bus shelters, street lighting and other streetscape improvements and any related land, easements, rights of way and utility improvements.
Bond Amount
$23.7 million
Potential Projects
Traffic/Pedestrian Signals
Road Connections
Rogers Road Grade Separation
Street Resurfacing
Bus Shelter Installations
General Transportation Improvements