
Reporting Issues & Concerns

The Streets Department maintains all Town Infrastructure. Please visit See.Click.Fix. to report potholes or other issues.

All traffic signals within the Town of Wake Forest are maintained by NCDOT. For concerns or comments related to traffic signals, please contact NCDOT at 919-536-4000 or use the NCDOT contact page to report a problem.


Traffic Calming

Wake Forest residents often express concerns related to vehicular speeds within residential neighborhoods. The Town has established a Residential Traffic Calming Policy, adopted by the Board of Commissioners in May 2020, to assist with these concerns.


On-Street Parking

Do you live in an area that requires parking passes for on-street parking? If so, please contact the Engineering department and and be ready provide a copy of the vehicle registration card for each vehicle for which you need a parking pass. The registration card must be up to date and reflect the address for the residence that requires a parking pass.


Engineering Technician