Choosing the Right Tree
Answering thesekey questions can help youchoosethe right tree for your yard:
Does the planting site get at least four hours of sunlight in the summer?
- No: None of these species is recommended for shade.
- Yes: Continue
Will the tree be planted under utility lines?
- Yes: Your recommended tree is Eastern redbud
- 15'-25' tall, Pink spring flowers, yellow fall color
- No: Continue
Would you plant a tree that grows taller than 25 feet?
- No: Your recommended tree is Eastern redbud
- 15'-25' tall, Pink spring flowers, yellow fall color
- Yes: Continue
Would you plant a tree that grows taller than 40 feet?
- No: Your recommended tree is Southern catalpa
- 25'-40' feet tall, white summer flowers
- if unacceptable, then redbud
Would you prefer a tree with abundant flowers in the summer, or a tree with good fall color and attractive bark year-round?
- Flowers: Your recommended tree is Southern catalpa
- 25'-40' feet tall, white summer flowers
- if unacceptable, then redbud
- Fall color and bark: Your recommended tree is river birch
- 40'-70' tall, yellow fall color, attractive peeling bark year-round
- if unacceptable, then catalpa or redbud